
The future of clean: Adapting to trends in fabric care and detergents

The picture of fabric care is changing with times. Gone are the times when one detergent powder or cloth washing bar was used for different types of fabrics. Result!! Either the fabric lost its quality or the colors lost their spark. But fabric care industry is undergoing an innovative metamorphosis. Right from understanding the consumer’s need in terms of stain removal, devising new formulations for different fabrics, odor control to eco-friendly laundry practices and the role of enzymes in detergents, the fabric experts are taking fabric cleaning to next level. Today consumer preferences are changing. Detergent companies are coming up with solutions that caters to different types of fabrics. Technology is changing so is the method of fabric cleaning. Let’s take a glance at the changes that is happening in the detergent industry.

1] Appliance Technology – Since consumer preference is shifting to machine wash, detergent formulas are specially designed for washing machines. High efficiency detergents have been developed for front load and top load washing machines where less water is used and more energy is saved. Driven by innovation, detergent companies are coming up with boosters that are specially made for washing machines.

2] Eco-Friendly Laundry Practices – Today consumers are opting for detergent that are user-friendly in every sense. People are inclined towards detergents that are plant-based, biodegradable and phosphate free. From avoiding chemicals and harsh ingredients, air-drying clothes to washing clothes in cold water and recycling old clothes, eco-friendly laundry practices are been followed.  

3] Detergent Boosters – Fabric care experts and scientists have developed detergent solutions that are taking cloth cleaning to next level. Various types of boosters are been made to boost color, remove odors, revive white fabrics and wipe out stains.  


4] Focus on fragrance-based detergent – Today the fabric care industry is not just focused on providing fabric care in terms of cleaner and stain-free clothes. Top detergent manufacturers are offering a wide gamut of fragrance options to consumer preferences. Fragrances may vary from floral to citrus as well as more distinctive & exotic fragrances. Consumers prefer to have fabric care solutions that gave a new lease to their clothes in terms of fragrance.  


5] Anti-microbial properties – Since COVID-19 pandemic affected the world, a lot of awareness increased related to hygiene and wellness. Detergent manufacturers are coming up with laundry products that have antimicrobial properties. The anti-microbial properties integrated within the detergents help to eliminate bacteria and viruses from clothing. Along with removing stains, the detergents are providing a laundry experience safe from harmful viruses.  

6] Concentrated products – With a view to offer quality-focused and affordable fabric care solutions, detergent companies are offering concentrated laundry detergents which require smaller doses per load compared to traditional wash. The concentrated laundry detergents are meeting the needs of consumers in affordability and convenience.  


7] All in one product – Innovative formulations are been implemented in laundry products that combine detergent, fabric softening and other additives that makes apparel clean, brighter and hygienic in all aspects. Such laundry products are in great demands that offer convenience to consumers in laundry routines.  

Taking in consideration the changing trends in fabric care and laundry wash, Zaphome Care, an emerging name in fabric care has played a pivotal role in evolving landscape of laundry wash.

Backed by an elite team of fabric care experts, Zaphome Care is offering solutions for fabric care through its brand – Oxyzap. Blending state of the art technology with innovative formulations, the Oxyzap products not only make your clothes clean, but also remove stains, odors from every type of fabric. Whether it boosting the color of fabric or sustaining the quality of dark clothes, the Oxyzap products do it all. Through its commitment to delivering quality fabric care solutions, Zaphome care continues to shape the fabric care market, reflecting and driving change in cloth wash and laundry care.  

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